Monday, March 30, 2015

ViSalus Reviews What's The Most Important Factor

The ViSalus Reviews have it right, they want you to get involved in a legit training platform that will teach you how to generate endless leads online, but from my experience there's a HUGE difference in what those leads do based on the "system" you're funneling them through. In other words, how easy or hard will it be to sponsor new reps into ViSalus every month? Watch this...

Click Now and see how it'll work for you

Living A Life Where Everyday Is Saturday

This obviously isn't for everyone, it takes diversity to make the world go round...

But this is for those who desire a free life, with no limits and no boundaries...

Obviously you can be "free" in any situation, but I'm specifically referring to a means of creating "income". For me, living free is being able to generate an an income with no limits, and be able to do what I want, when I want, period.

In other words, if you think getting up 5 days a week, 40+ hours, and going to a job, away from family, not able to take a vacation whenever you want, or attend spontanious get togethers, is total bullshit, then read on...

So many others are starting to think it is also, and that's what this post is all about...

It's possible, you just have to get in alignment with the fact that YOU can live it.

Back to ViSalus for a second. I'll be the first to tell you that it's a great company, and I'm sure they'll be around for the long hual. And the ViSalus Reviews that are pushing you into a training program are spot on as well. Over 95% fail to earn a significant income in this industry because they don't have enough people to expose the business and products to.

Having said that, there's also another factor that plays a HUGE role in your success. That is how easy it is to enroll new people, and will you take the time to learn the skills it will take, and then take even more time to apply those skills?

Most will not, and that is why having a recruiting system is the #1 thing I look at when it comes to building a business like ViSalus. You may want to scroll back up and click that link below my video and take a test drive to see how I've been doing it since 2002.

Monday, March 9, 2015

MLM Leads The MLM Secrets Of The Top Earners

If you're looking for MLM Secrets, and want to know how to build an audience of MLM Leads quickly, you're in the right place. Click This
In my 10 years of experience in this industry I've learned one thing, the top money earners in MLM ALL have one single thing in common.

Before you build ANY MLM company for the long term, Click Here and see how I've been doing it since 2002.

As I mentioned in the above video, you can interview the top 1-2% money earners of ANY MLM company, and you'll find that 100% of them have experienced networkers they've enrolled. Most of the top earners are old school, and they teach old school methods of building the business. This includes contacting your warm market and doing home meetings.

This warm market approach should be applied, but if you want to earn the big money in this industry, you need the ONE thing the top earners have, and that's an audience of MLM leads, aka other network marketers who can enroll people quickly.

You see, these old schoolers spent years building relationships, going to live events to rub elbows, and this is something YOU should be doing as well, BUT you don't have to wait years anymore to build this audience.

My story is a little different than most. Yes, I was dead broke when I joined my first MLM company back in September 2002, but like most others it didn't take me years to succeed, it only took a few months.

I was fortunate enough to have a sponsor who NEVER told me to make my list, instead he taught me how to market online, and build a list of people who are actually looking to work from home. In a matter of 3 months I was earning more from my business than I was on disability, and in less than 12 months I had hit my first 5 figure month.

DISCLAIMER: Of course I have to mention here, these are my results, and I'm not implying or guaranteeing you'll make any money at all, I'm just sharing my experience. You're results will depend on YOUR efforts.

But seriously, just ask yourself what path you'd rather take to success. Going to events and building relationships one at a time for the next 5 years... OR, leveraging the internet to build your audience of network marketers in a matter of months, AND doing most of it on autopilot, even while you sleep or lay on the beach.

The choice is your, just click the image here, and get the whole story. It's time to get the insider secrets and make some MONEY!