Since you’re searching the Usana Reviews I’ll assume you’re thinking about joining Usana, or you may have recently joined. Either way, you’re in the right place as I’m going to share with you what you really need to know about this program, plus the insider secrets...
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Sunday, October 4, 2015
Usana Reviews
Saturday, September 26, 2015
XanGo Scam
Wondering if there is a XanGo Scam ? Many people are skeptical of things they’ve never heard of or don’t know much about, and that’s ok, just don’t be too skeptical or you’ll be afraid to try anything. You can do a search for pretty much anything you want and...
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Traffic Sources For MLM Network Marketers
Looking for Traffic Sources For MLM Network Marketers? You’re in the right place as I’ll share with you the top MLM Traffic Sources that are working today, and a source you can plug into to stay up to date on all things traffic for your MLM business.
Want to just get right to it and...
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Thursday, August 27, 2015
How To Build An MLM Business Not Just An MLM Downline
Learn How To Build An MLM Business Not Just An MLM Downline. This is an extremely important post, and critical to understand this factor if you want long term success in MLM, and don’t want to get burned down the road by any unforeseen circumstances.
At the time I’m writing this a 11...
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Sunday, August 16, 2015
How Do I Generate Leads For My MLM Business?
So you’re wondering, How Do I Generate Leads For My MLM Business? This is the best question you could ever ask if you’re wanting to take your income to the level you desire, as leads are the one single factor that enables you to create any income you want, no matter what skills you...
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Friday, August 14, 2015
Network Marketing & The Law Of Compensation
This is what I LOVE about the profession of network marketing, and how it ties in to the law of compensation.
I read or heard this somewhere along my journey of listening to many books, and this post is just my opinion from those books.
So if money is made based on the laws of compensation, then...
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Monday, August 10, 2015
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Isagenix Reviews
Don’t worry it’s not that ugly, but it is something that most Isagenix Reviews aren’t even mentioning. If you’ve noticed, most of them are just wanting to sell you additional training and courses. All good, but sometimes it’s not the training, sometimes it just...
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Saturday, August 8, 2015
Network Marketing Tips
These simple yet POWERFUL Network Marketing Tips come from my 13+ years of full time experience working from home.
They say that over 95% fail in network marketing, and those who do have success usually share their stories about how they went through 3-5 years of pain and struggle before they...
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Ambit Energy Compensation Plan
Explaining the Ambit Energy Compensation Plan…
Part 2
Ambit Energy
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Friday, April 3, 2015
MLM Leads Get The Facts Before You Start Spending Money
Now That You've Joinved MLSP What's Next?
First things first, if you've decided to join MLSP to help you brand yourself online, and build a 6-figure income with your network marketing program, you have made the best choice possible.
Haven't joined My Lead System Pro yet? Click Here to read my MLSP Review.
In my opinion, and I've been building my network marketing business online since 2002, if you're not using the funnels, training, and marketing strategies you'll learn and have access to with MLSP then you're flat out not going to survive online.
Now don't get me wrong, MLSP isn't the only answer to creating a HUGE income in your MLM business, there are many methods that work. But my point is, if you want to generate leads and build your network online, then you simply MUST use and more importantly STICK WITH the MLSP community and system.
My MLSP Training Tip
Marketing your MLM program online requires a personal branding strategy. In other words you need to set up a funnel where people can find you, learn about you, and eventually connect with you.
This process is laid out in a step by step format within your My Lead System Pro back office, but you and only you can decide to take the time and effort involved to set it up and put it to work for you.
It's actually a simple process, I am legally blind and I was able to do it, so I think you can to. It just takes time. Don't skip ahead, follow the steps one by one until complete, then move to the next step.
Don't get overwhelmed. Understand that this set up process will take time, maybe even several weeks. So just work at a pace that doesn't frustrate you. Complete a little bit every day. Remember, once this is set up, you are ready to start marketing and creating an endless stream of leads to build your MLM business.
I haven't really touched my MLSP funnels since I first joined back in 2010. All I focus on now is marketing. But again, you can't do that until you take the time to set it all up.
The bottom line here is, if you're not getting the financial results you want out of your business, then maybe connecting with a group of 6 and 7 figure earners, and following what we do is the missing piece to your puzzle.
One thing I will promise you is, if you do decide to stick with My Lead System Pro, and complete each step, including going through some of the insanely valuable archived training, you will without a doubt be a better network marketer than you were just a few weeks before finding this community and system.
So don't delay, go login and click on the "Start Here" link and take the first step to becoming a better networker.
Also, don't just blindly go out and start buying MLM Leads, as there are many types, some better than others, and if you want long term success in this industry, then learning to generate your own MLM Leads is a must in my opinion.
Monday, March 30, 2015
ViSalus Reviews What's The Most Important Factor
Click Now and see how it'll work for you
Living A Life Where Everyday Is Saturday
This obviously isn't for everyone, it takes diversity to make the world go round...
But this is for those who desire a free life, with no limits and no boundaries...
Obviously you can be "free" in any situation, but I'm specifically referring to a means of creating "income". For me, living free is being able to generate an an income with no limits, and be able to do what I want, when I want, period.
In other words, if you think getting up 5 days a week, 40+ hours, and going to a job, away from family, not able to take a vacation whenever you want, or attend spontanious get togethers, is total bullshit, then read on...
So many others are starting to think it is also, and that's what this post is all about...
It's possible, you just have to get in alignment with the fact that YOU can live it.
Back to ViSalus for a second. I'll be the first to tell you that it's a great company, and I'm sure they'll be around for the long hual. And the ViSalus Reviews that are pushing you into a training program are spot on as well. Over 95% fail to earn a significant income in this industry because they don't have enough people to expose the business and products to.
Having said that, there's also another factor that plays a HUGE role in your success. That is how easy it is to enroll new people, and will you take the time to learn the skills it will take, and then take even more time to apply those skills?
Most will not, and that is why having a recruiting system is the #1 thing I look at when it comes to building a business like ViSalus. You may want to scroll back up and click that link below my video and take a test drive to see how I've been doing it since 2002.
Monday, March 9, 2015
MLM Leads The MLM Secrets Of The Top Earners
In my 10 years of experience in this industry I've learned one thing, the top money earners in MLM ALL have one single thing in common.
Before you build ANY MLM company for the long term, Click Here and see how I've been doing it since 2002.
As I mentioned in the above video, you can interview the top 1-2% money earners of ANY MLM company, and you'll find that 100% of them have experienced networkers they've enrolled. Most of the top earners are old school, and they teach old school methods of building the business. This includes contacting your warm market and doing home meetings.
This warm market approach should be applied, but if you want to earn the big money in this industry, you need the ONE thing the top earners have, and that's an audience of MLM leads, aka other network marketers who can enroll people quickly.
You see, these old schoolers spent years building relationships, going to live events to rub elbows, and this is something YOU should be doing as well, BUT you don't have to wait years anymore to build this audience.
My story is a little different than most. Yes, I was dead broke when I joined my first MLM company back in September 2002, but like most others it didn't take me years to succeed, it only took a few months.
I was fortunate enough to have a sponsor who NEVER told me to make my list, instead he taught me how to market online, and build a list of people who are actually looking to work from home. In a matter of 3 months I was earning more from my business than I was on disability, and in less than 12 months I had hit my first 5 figure month.
DISCLAIMER: Of course I have to mention here, these are my results, and I'm not implying or guaranteeing you'll make any money at all, I'm just sharing my experience. You're results will depend on YOUR efforts.
But seriously, just ask yourself what path you'd rather take to success. Going to events and building relationships one at a time for the next 5 years... OR, leveraging the internet to build your audience of network marketers in a matter of months, AND doing most of it on autopilot, even while you sleep or lay on the beach.
The choice is your, just click the image here, and get the whole story. It's time to get the insider secrets and make some MONEY!
Saturday, February 14, 2015
XanGo Review The Main Reason I Got Outta There
Go right Here to opt in and see it in action
XanGo Review And Warning To Those Building Online
This is an addition to my original XanGo review. I am someone who is passionate about network marketing, and home based business. This industry has truly been amazing for me over the last 9 years.
As I wrote in my original XanGo review, I believe the company and product are both fantastic, and I still do. However, a recent personal experience has led me to write this addition.
Back in 2004 to 2006 I was an active XanGo distributor, and I built a team of over 1200 active reps there. Not a ton compared to what I've done since, but still a respectable network that paid me a nice residual income for many years after.
I'm sure many other companies have done this also, but this is my first experience and feel anyone looking at joining and building a XanGo business needs to know this up front before putting in their time and effort.
It seems XanGo is starting to really "control" their distributors to the point they cannot do much of anything outside of XanGo without getting in trouble with the company.
I don't know about you, but I personally got into this industry for freedom, and I think most other networkers would agree, we HATE being controlled. If that weren't the case we'd just stay at our jobs and do everything our boss tells us, right?
Well, over the last year or so I've really started to build out this blog to help others make more money and make better decisions on joining certain companies they are interested in.
At first XanGo informed me that my review was making medical claims that were against their policies. Even though I have not been actively building for over 5 years, I was still an active rep earning a check every month from what I built in the past.
I was happy to remove the few lines that were making claims, and I responded to their request so maybe they'd unsespend my distributorship. Nope...
They responded that in order for me to comply with their policies I could not have ANY other company reviews or mentions on my blog. In other words I could NOT tell people anything about any other company if I wanted to be a XanGo distributor. I also could not be a part of any other program that has an affiliate program, even if it was a program like My Lead System Pro that actually helps people build their network marketing business, no matter which one it is.
Here is an exact copy of those policies:
Section 2 Obligations of a Distributor and Managing a Distributorship
D. Offerings. A Distributor may not offer or promote any non-Company plans, incentives, opportunities, or non-approved Sales Tools in conjunction with the promotion of Products.
In other words, if you want to be a XanGo distributor, you cannot promote anything else, while or even after you stop actively building. I know and understand many companies have these policies, but it appears that XanGo is enforcing them very heavily.
Even though NONE of my company reviews are actually "promoting" those companies as a distributor, they don't care. For example, I wrote reviews on ACN, MonaVie, and other companies which I am not, and never have been a rep for. But that doesn't matter, in order for me to remain a XanGo rep and keep earning the residual income I worked hard to build, they want me to remove EVERYTHING that mentions other companies.
Overall I still believe that XanGo is a solid company and a great opportunity for those looking for a nutritional business to build locally doing home meetings or face to face meetings. But for those who wish to build online, leveraging the power of the internet, and using third party training platforms like My Lead System Pro, be very careful what you do and say online, XanGo is watching and policing you.
Me personally, I prefer to have a business that doesn't require me to be there all the time. One where I can set things in motion online and have those things bring in new people and build my income even if I decide to take a few months off. You really can't do that offline.
Scroll back up and take a look at how I'm doing it, click that link under my video :-)
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Isagenix Reviews And Why I Made The Choice I Did
This is where to Click if you want to see what I mean
Now for some quick training... or advice in this case....
Opportunities For Young People
Looking for opportunities for young people? You're in the right place. You're about to discover an opportunity with no limits, no boundaries, and a level playing field for everyone to succeed.
It's being reported that the unemployment rate of 16 to 24 year olds is more than DOUBLE the national average unemployment rate. It's time to think outside the box, it's time to create your own reality, and at the same time do good in the world.
Opportunities for young people are right here...
The young people revolution plus Verve equals total freedom!
Verve is an insanely healthy energy drink, and alternative to the "not so good for you" energy craze that young people all over the world are drinking already. How would you like to get PAID to drink, and energy drink that is?
Verve is an opportunity for young people to create their own reality, their own income, with NO boss, NO limits, and NO boundaries. Just young people coming together all over the world to do good and never worry about money in their future.
On top of the healthy energy, and the killer income possibility, we also set you up with a BMW or Mercedes-Benz once you qualify. It's time to go to work!
So in a nutshell, when it comes to the Isagenix Reviews, they do have value in that they are trying to plug you into some training that will give you the skills you need to build just about any MLM company out there. But the simple fact is, some people will never master those skills, especially when it comes to recruiting, which in most cases requires many hours of phone prospecting and follow up.
Not to mention, some people may not think it's very fun to spend 6 hours a day on the telephone. That's why I'm sharing what 99% of the other Isagenix Reviews aren't, and that is that maybe the most important factor in success is the company you choose to build.
There are a TON of MLM companies out there, and Isagenix is certainly one of the better ones, but not all of them have a "tool" to assist you in the recruiting process like I do. You may want to just see how it works, and how I'm able to out recruit just about everyone, with far less effort prospecting.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Brain Abundance Business Reviews That Sell Training Programs
This is the one you want to Click On to get going
MLM Tips You Only Need One And Here It Is
Are you looking for the top 10 MLM Tips that will help you explode your business?
You'll find a lot of people talking about their top 10, or the 25 MLM Tips to building massive wealth. But there really is only one that you need to know and understand before you have a breakthrough.
Over the years a lot of strategies have come and gone on how to achieve success in MLM, and even though I have been working from home full time since 2003, there has been one strategy I wanted to master.
If you're on my blog for the first time, and you don't know me, I'll mention here that I'm legally blind. My eyesight has gotten worse and worse as the years go by.
I found myself becoming dependant on the experts giving me that step by step process to mastering this skill I wanted to put to work for me.
Yes of course, finding someone who knew more about the strategy than me is a good idea. But I started to believe that if they didn't give me their secrets first hand, I'd never be able to make it work for me.
Want to know what I realized?
I realized that my success in MLM didn't rely on the top 25 MLM Tips, and it didn't rely on some expert taking my hand and walking me step by step through the entire process.
What it did rely on was my belief in the work I was doing, and knowing without a shadow of a doubt that it would produce the result I wanted.
Seriously, this sounds goofy as hell right? Maybe not?
The bottom line is, you must decide that it's going to work no matter what. In other words, think about the results you want, and then believe that you will achieve them. Not because someone else is going to show you how, but because you believe you will.
Hey, I'm sure writing an article with my top 13 MLM Tips will help, and I probably will do that. There's a lot to teach in this business, but the one thing everyone must know and understand is that making a decision to succeed is the most important factor.
There's a saying out there that goes, If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.
So when you feel yourself getting frustrated, or maybe you're not getting those specific top secret MLM Tips you're looking for, always remember that success lies within. You and only you can create the belief that will dictate the actions you take that will achieve your results.
So make that decision right now, that you are going to succeed. Write down the results you want, and then write and rewrite them every day. You will be amazed at how fast the answers start to come to you. Then you will take the appropriate actions to achieve those results.
Don't take my short and to the point Brain Abundance Review lightly, get opted in, get a position and see why it can make a huge difference in your income, short and long ter.